Donald Trump provides video proof of his misogynism, refuses to look at German chancellor as she is talking to him


On March 17th, 2017, Donald Trump provided video proof to the world that he is indeed a blaring, rampant misogynist – so much so that he won’t even look at the German chancellor as she is speaking to him, and also refuses to shake her hand when asked. Donald Trump is a disastrous cad who does not deserve to be POTUS.

Source: Trump Straight Up Ignores Request To Shake Hands With Angela Merkel | The Huffington Post

The State Department’s entire senior administrative team just resigned – Washington Post

All are career foreign service officers who have served under both Republican and Democratic administrations.

“It’s the single biggest simultaneous departure of institutional memory that anyone can remember, and that’s incredibly difficult to replicate,” said David Wade, who served as State Department chief of staff under Secretary of State John Kerry. “Department expertise in security, management, administrative and consular positions in particular are very difficult to replicate and particularly difficult to find in the private sector.”

Source: The State Department’s entire senior administrative team just resigned – The Washington Post

PressTV-US rep questions Israel’s ties to terror

A former Democratic US representative has raised questions about Israel’s possible ties to the recent terror attacks in Europe.

Former US Democratic Representative Cynthia McKinney has questioned Israel’s ties to recent attacks in France and Germany, after an Israeli reporter managed to capture both attacks as they were happening.

“Same Israeli photographer captures Nice and Munich tragedies,” the six-term congresswoman from Georgia said in a tweet on Saturday.

The journalist in question is Richard Gutjahr, who videotaped the truck attack in Nice, France, that killed more than 80 people and injured dozens more on July 14.

Eight days later, the reporter happened to be on the site of another attack in Munich, Germany, where a shooting rampage claimed nine lives.

“How likely is that? Remember the Dancing Israelis?” McKinney asked, referring to reported Israeli celebrations during the September 11, 2011, attacks in the US.

Source: PressTV-US rep questions Israel’s ties to terror

James Comey Has Been Covering Up The Clintons’ Messes For Decades

The entire process to exonerate Hillary was highly orchestrated.  The canary in the coal mine was the illegal meeting between Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton.  The Lynch/Comey connection stretches back to 2013 via HSBC and the Justice Department’s decision to not prosecute HSBC for money laundering on behalf of drug dealers and terrorists (note:  HSBC is one of the primary Comex bullion banks and the “custodian” of the gold in the GLD trust).  Comey was put on HSBC’s board of directors.

The “glass is half full” crowd in this country breathed a sigh of relief when Eric Holder left the Justice Department to receive his graft payments at Covington Burling, thinking the most corrupt AG in history just left.  Sorry, Loretta Lynch is at least Holder’s equal in the corruption department.  I’ve got a 1 oz gold Philharmonic that says Lynchs slides into a highly paid partner position at Covington Burling when her duties as the Clintons’ fluffer is finished at “Justice.”

The Clinton’s and James Comey go back over 20 years.

In his last day in office, Bill Clinton pardoned 450 people. One of those pardoned was Robert Palmer who pleaded guilty for his part in the Clinton’s “Whitewater” scandal.  The biggest pardon was for fugitive Marc Rich, who fled the U.S. to Switzerland to evade $100’s of millions in taxes on his commodity trading profits.  Bill Clinton was blatantly sleeping with Marc Rich’s wife, Denise, in their Fifth Avenue penthouse as part of the price for the pardon.

Mary Jo White (Dem) who is now head of the SEC, was appointed to investigate these pardons. After little progress was made, she was replaced by James Comey (Rep) who found “no illegality” on Bill Clinton’s part…

Source: James Comey Has Been Covering Up The Clintons’ Messes For Decades | Investment Research Dynamics